In order to understand what IoT devices are and how to choose the best one for yourself, you must clarify the fundamentals. To begin with, let us understand what Azure IoT Hub means. Azure IoT Hub is made up of one or more devices and many back-end services that convey each other.

IoT Hub benefits and fastens multiple messaging patterns such as file uploading from various devices and request-reply methods to control the devices from the cloud.

Azure IoT Hub or the Azure Internet of Things provides us with a cloud-hosted Iot  solution back-end to connect to any possible device virtually.

It is a service that is organized and hosted in the cloud and it performs as the central messaging hub for bi-directional communication between an IoT application and the device it manages and is in charge of.


Azure IoT Hub allows safe and secure communications. It also gives the access to control the use of per-device security keys. It gives us heavy monitoring for connectivity of devices and device identity management as well.

It is inclusive of device libraries. This is for popular Iot  platforms as well as languages.

Functions like analyzing the telemetry to provide insights, either in real-time or after the fact, controlling which devices can connect to your infrastructure, or sending commands from the cloud to a specific device are usually performed by back-end services offered by Azure IoT.


The IoT application has the prerogative to operate the networking, communication and connectivity protocols. According to their usage criteria, there are many IoT applications available.

Some of them are listed below:

Consumer IoT: Consumer IoT is primarily meant for daily usage. Some examples can be: Home appliances, voice assistance and light fixtures.

Commercial IoT: It is utilized in transport as well as healthcare industries. Pacemakers and monitoring systems can be two examples.

Military Things (IoMT): It is put in use in the applications of Internet of Things technologies in the field of military. Surveillance robots and human-wearable biometrics for combat are a few examples.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): Its prime usage is in the field of industrial applications, like in manufacturing as well as energy sectors. For example: Digital control systems, smart agriculture and industrial big data.

Infrastructure IoT: It is used with an intention of connectivity in smart cities. An example can be, infrastructure sensors and management systems.


With the assistance of IoT, the physical/traditional world has now come face to face with the digital world and cooperation has increased as well. It offers numerous benefits to companies by enabling them to automate and simplify their tasks.

As IoT grows exponentially, companies are leveraging the tremendous business values it can offer.

Here are some of the important benefits of IoT:

It helps to generate new business models and revenue streams, to improve business decisions using data-driven insights from IoT data, to increase the productivity as well as efficiency of business operation, to enhance customer experience.


  • GOOGLE HOME VOICE CONTROLLER: One of the most popular IoT devices that we see today is the Google Home voice controller. The services it provides are several in number, such as, alarms, lights, thermostats, volume control and so on.
  • AMAZON ECHO PLUS VOICE CONTROLLER: It is a reliable and very famous IoT device. It performs the functions of providing voice-enabled services such as answering phone calls, setting timers, alarms, checking the weather and so on.
  • AUGUST DOORBELL CAM: Another very popular IoT device is August Doorbell Cam. It assists us to answer our door from any geographical location. It also helps in capturing changes in motion as well as any form of suspicious activity on our doorstep.
  • AUGUST SMART LOCK: Another proven, reliable as well as famous IoT device is August Smart Lock. It helps the consumers in managing their doors from any specific location and it also keeps the thieves at distance by providing an extra layer of security for our house.
  • FOOBOT: If you’re looking for an IoT device that correctly measures the indoor pollution, then Foobot is the destination for you. It also helps us with improving the air quality in closed areas such as homes, cafes, workplaces and so on.


MQTT can be defined as a publish-subscribe network protocol that transports messages between devices. It translates messages between devices, servers and applications.

The MQTT protocol was created to link sensors on oil pipelines with communication satellites, with prominence on minimal battery loss and bandwidth consumption.


The topmost 5 IoT devices are: Google home voice controller, Amazon Echo plus voice controller, August Doorbell Cam, August Smart Lock, Foobot.

Azure IoT Hub supports as well as assists the standardized version 3.1.1 of the MQTT protocol.

In other words, data can be exchanged with the IoT Hub via MQTT. It prioritizes safe and secure communication with no delay whatsoever.

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