Tip 1: Through search engines (such as Google and Yahoo), you can get visibility for your Hong Kong local business and/or company website, if you are able to rank relatively high up in the search engines results pages (SERP).

Tip 2: When you apply search engine optimization (SEO) to your website, regardless to the nature or industry of your site in Hong Kong, you should take great consideration into account to involve both the readers and the search engines (e.g. Google, Bing, etc).

Tip 3: With SEO, you can do it for your own company website to target the Hong Kong audience. But if you do not know where or how to start, you can always find a SEO company to offer you the entire SEO strategy and do the work.

Tip 4: People (including your target audience in the HK market) use keywords to find what they want on Google/Yahoo, though 9 people out of 10 may use Google, and 1 would have searched using Yahoo. It is important that your company site shows up on Google/Yahoo with the right keywords.

Tip 5: You may already know your target and most important keyword for your business. But in details you will always have to rely on at least a tool, or sometimes a few tools together. One of such tools may be a keyword suggestion tool. Google has this official keyword suggestion tool which is well-known as Google Keyword Planner.

Tip 6: The search engine optimization work includes both the on-page optimization and off-page optimization. For off-page optimization, it involves getting links and citations from other websites that always have credibility in the eyes of Google.

Tip 7: Citations can be found on many reviews sites. The reviews sites may vary a lot depending on industries. Some reviews sites are mainly for local restaurants and cafes. Other reviews sites are for public general information display.

Tip 8: On-page optimization includes working on these elements on your site: The page titles, meta descriptions, schema data, site structures, and more.

Tip 9: There are many SEO software or tools available out there in which some are paid tools and others other free of charge. The first tool you should get and set up is Google Search Console (formerly called Google Webmaster Tools). The tool is officially offered by Google and is free.

Tip 10: SEO takes time. Sometimes it takes 4 months, and in other very competitive industries it may take more than a year for your business to show higher up the search engine rankings. It is always the best to have a plan B. Your plan B may be buying keyword ads (through using Google Ads) so your ads/web pages can appear high up on Google (which is above the organic search results).

Tip 11: You should install and set up Google Analytics as a free web analytics tool on your Hong Kong company website. The tool gives you reports that you may find insights about the behavior of users when they visited your site.


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