There is more to content than just blogs and writeups. As a matter of fact, according to Tysons Corner SEO, videos can actually do more for your search engine optimization than old fashioned text content.

Videos from social media platforms

People don’t usually search for brands, websites, or topics unless they are looking for answers. On a regular, idyllic day, they surf social media websites like Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest and so on. More than status updates and notes, however, videos have garnered more clicks.

So, according to Tysons Corner SEO, people who would most likely be interested in your services or goods are most likely to be led to your website after watching videos from social media platforms. Adding videos to your website and reposting the link to social media platforms can yield not just a higher volume of traffic, but a higher quality of traffic to your site. It’s an easy Internet Marketing scheme to abide by.

Staying power

You also need to understand how Google works these days. Google does not simply depend on keywords within your textual content anymore. Tags might work, but what Google looks into more is the behavior of your audience.

While having keyword optimized blogs could help you initially, Google can nullify the volume of traffic your website is getting if these same people leave your page. It signifies that your content is not relevant or not interesting. However, if you have a video on your website, people are more likely to stay on your pages, and click on more. This results in visitors who stay and maybe even bookmark your page. These click actions can convert to better search engine rankings simply because it marks your content as highly relevant to your niche.

Bottom-line effect

Aside from search engine traffic, having interesting, high-quality video content can convert your visitors into actual paying customers. Blogs are good at letting people know you’re an expert at something. They would appreciate the chunks of information you are telling them through textual content. However, let’s face it, our audiences are now more visual and media-savvy. For this reason, videos are more likely to be viewed by your target market than blogs be read from start to finish.

If you want highly entertaining video content, you may want to invest more in your video production. It won’t hurt to think about the visual and audio aspects of your video content. You might even want to hire talent if you feel like you need a more professional look for your website. Pretty soon, the same people who are following you for your video would recognize your integrity as an “expert in the field”. This makes selling a lot easier.


Google and Bing algorithms change all the time. If you have a variety of content on your website, this protects you from being obsolete. Video content is all the trend right now. In a few months, something else might be the hot item. However, having both textual, graphic, video and even interactive quizzes on your website makes your pages more likely to be ranked highly in search engines no matter what the algorithm might be.

For effective and affordable Tysons Corner SEO, contact us today at TESSA. We combine technology and experience to make sure we help your brand reach out to more people. Contact us today.

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