98% of the uploaded images are also shared on Facebook. What makes us corroborate that the integration between social networks is a fundamental aspect in any social media strategy.

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Therefore, we recommend downloading and reading our ebook on Instagram for companies. Very entertaining and, how could it be otherwise, visual. In it we have structured the contents into three different sections: strategies, techniques and tools. From sharemyinsights.com  you can have the perfect solutions in proper tracking and analyzing available.

  • But we do not want to reveal more information about its internal organization since surely you are going to be surprised by the result. What we do want to make clear is the idea that Instagram for business can do many things for your company, and all of them are beneficial.
  • Instagram for business can become a potential tool to attract customers if you know how to take advantage of it.

We have taken the title from Kennedy’s famous slogan, in which he responded to the American population about what his country could do for them. And it is that paraphrasing this famous politician, and taking the message to the field of social networks, there are many advantages that we can extract from the use of Instagram for business.

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For this reason, we have made the saying “from said to done” our own and we have got down to work. The result? A monographic ebook on Instagram  for businesses , aimed primarily at companies and their digital training, in which you can obtain results from this social network, which is all the rage among Internet users most interested in images and photographs.

Because, we do not know if you have noticed it, but today Internet users value and consume images much more than written texts . Whether through still photographs, montages or collages, images triumph among your target audience. This is the reason why you have to assess the possibility of being present in this social network.

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Bought in 2012 by Facebook for more than 1,000 million dollars, Instagram reproduces some statistics of heart attack. Among them we find the following interesting:

  • Worldwide, it already has 200 million users . A figure below other large networks but a very significant data if we take into account that it is a social network specialized in one aspect: the image.
  • In addition, 50 of those million users, that is, a quarter of them, have joined the Instagram trend in the last six months. A relevant fact if we look at the development that it will have in the future.
  • Every month 40 million photos are published on it. Instagram for business is ideal for promoting your brand, and a very attractive way to target your audience.
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